Discover the APIs offered by the public administration

Service intermediation platform for the French state transformation Piste makes APIs available to the public administration. Managed by the Agence pour l'informatique Financière de l'Etat, Piste makes life easier for developers.

Key features of Piste

Explore the API Catalog

Search and consult all the APIs made available through the Piste catalog. The latter is documented and continuously updated.

Test API

Registered users are provided with keys and can test APIs that include sample codes and test data.

Track API usage

A dashboard is made available in order to be able to view your communications by API and / or by consumer (application).

Mutualise API

A single access portal for all the apis offered by partner service providers in the public administration.

How does Piste work?

Once you have registered and obtained your credentials, log in to the portal and find out which available API you have access to.
You will then be able to try out the APIs and check their usage, before asking for keys that will allow your application to exchange with the API in a safe way.

Safe and simple platform

This platform is provided for developers and public administration, wanting to use published API. You need to be registred to access and consult API on the portal.

The latest news

They trust us !

We are proud to have more than 10 entities among Piste users